The recently concluded B1G South Singles retreat entitled "Brand New" was a success all by God's immense grace. Around 168 singles spent their time in this life-changing and God-honoring event in a breath-taking and relaxing site in Mt. Makiling Recreation Center in Laguna, August 16-18.
I joined the retreat as a participant and a volunteer at same time, under the banner of Single's Prayer Team. This has not been my first time to attend a single's retreat. But each retreat that I attended, God never failed to speak to me in different circumstances, in a different light and perspective. Allow me to share the things that I love about this retreat in a point of view of an intercessor or prayer warrior.
1. It led me closer to the
Lord as He taught me how to be more sensitive to the things around me and be
more vigilant in prayer.
I have been a member of prayer team of B1G South Singles for almost three years now, but I have to admit that there were times that my zeal in praying somehow fades or diminishes. I took prayer before as an obligation and part of my job in the ministry. But God shed light to me on this. He made me realize that prayer is actually His grand invitation for me so that I could spend an alone time with Him.
I have always been an observant but during the retreat, I have become more sensitive to the people and things around me. I was always on the look for the things and people that I needed to pray for. God awakened my senses so that He could make me a proactive intercessor.
2.The battle and the work is not ours but of God; but we should be responsible to partake the task that He has entrusted to us to fulfill.
I have a type A kind of personality and it affects me whenever I do not meet certain requirement or do not attain what I have in mind. I get easily frustrated when it seems that my efforts seem futile; whenever I don't get positive outcomes or results. But during this retreat, God reminded me, that the work is not mine alone but His. He opened my mind to let go of the things which I could not change. I thought, that's the end of the lesson that He has for me, but I got it all wrong. As I began to lay down all my cards and let God do everything, He reminded me that He has called me to a greater purpose. He reminded me of who I am in Him and that is, I am His slave, and He is my Master. I am to partake in His great commission in making Him known to others. It reminded me that yes, the battle and work is of God, but I am also a partaker of His works as well.
3. Exude that overflowing love of God to others by interceding
for them.
During the retreat, I had to seize each opportunity to talk to random people and ask them how they find the messages and ask them for prayer requests so I could pray for them personally. I wasn't only a prayer warrior; I was a friend, and a sister to everyone I encountered during the retreat. In that small gesture, I have exuded the love that God has for me, to them.
4. We are invincible when
we are on our knees in prayer.
The retreat was tiresome I must say, but I did not mind it at all. Prayer team had to stay up late at night to spend time to huddle as a group and in reflection and corporate intercession. Though it could entice my body to go to bed and sleep, while we were on our knees, I looked past being sleepy. Instead, it made me stay sober-minded. I felt invincible physically as I prayed , but all the more, it made me cling on to the original power source and that is God. I am privileged that I could just tell anything to Him in a very intimate manner such as prayer. I am humbled but at the same time, I felt invincible.
5. The story of Salvation
always teaches me brand new things each time I listen to it.
I was a church-oriented kid back then since I was technically raised by my grandmother who is active in church. I learned the story of salvation at a young age; accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior during my teenage years; and attended a couple of retreats and camps since elementary. But God is just so amazing that He eradicates all of my preeminent knowledge of Him and makes me feel brand new each time. He leads me back to the story of the Calvary's Cross. He constantly humbles me that it doesn't matter if I already heard the gospel for the nth time, because He reminds me that His story never gets old. It constantly gives me a lesson to learn and to apply in my life. And Brand New retreat was one of those great reminders of God to me.
6. The gravity of God's
sacrifice on the Calvary's cross is greater than the gravity of the temptation
for me to give in to sin.
Before the retreat, I was combating against temptations which I am not proud of telling anyone in full detail. I was delving in my faults, in my grievous, and innermost faults. I was calloused to the point that I could hardly get away with it. My heart was not completely right and aligned with the Lord. But God is just so gracious, by leading me back to the CROSS, I was reminded that His sacrifice, His pain, His struggles on that cross are way way greater than the temptations and sins. He took it all for me. During the Brand New retreat, I was reminded immensely of the weight of God's sacrifice that He had to shed His blood to atone me of my sins. I was reminded how selfish I was to easily give in to temptation and unconsciously bringing Jesus back to the Calvary's Cross all over again.
7. I can sense direction,
purpose, wisdom, and peace as I spend an alone time with God in prayer.
I learned during our morning devotion led by Brother John Wilson Nuñez, that in my innermost prayer closet, it is not I who just speaks to God. He also speaks to me. Mark 1:35-39 tells about Jesus preaching in Galilee. Jesus devoted his time early in the morning while the sky was still dark. He departed and went to a desolated place and prayed. That time, he barely took a night's rest because of his ministerial work. He prepared himself to the Lord and prayed. Then Simon Peter saw him, he told Jesus that everyone was looking for him. Means to say that there were still a lot of people who were lining up and waiting for Jesus to heal them. But Jesus told Peter that they must go to the next towns. Then he went throughout all Galilee , preaching in their synagogues, and casting out demons. He did all of those things right after he sought the Lord in prayer.After his communion with God in his prayer, he sensed direction, purpose, and wisdom. It also happened to me during the retreat. After I've had my quiet moments and prayer times with God, I got a clearer vision of my purpose why I was actually in the retreat.
8. Fellowship with fellow
believers and servants of God is such a sight to see.
Being with friends is a whole lot of fun but being in fellowship in the family of Christ could just get any better! It's so nice to see every group of singles who shares the same interests, and have the same passion---JESUS! From the Brand New Games, up to the Fellowship night, my heart was just so joyful to see every one hugging each other, sharing their life testimonies, saying nice things to one another. That's a sight to see.
9. A warm smile melts the
cold heart.
One of the things that I like from the retreat aside from the messages, breakout sessions and food, is the SMILE of everyone. Whenever I went, whoever I encountered, I just couldn't help but smile too because everyone has this sweet smile on their faces. It made it easier for me to approach them and ask if I could pray for them. It also made it easier for me to make friends. Their smiles are just so welcoming :)
10. Accountability group
like Dgroup is such a gemstone.
Lastly, I thank the Lord for the Brand New Retreat and for the group I belong with. We may come from different backgrounds, different lifestyles, and professions, but God made us one. I love how God orchestrated and placed each of us in a break out group. He is just so amazing! He knows exactly who would click with. I love the breakout discussions after each message, and other bonding moments among our group. I love our bond and in a short span of three days and two nights together, it seemed as if we've known each other for so long. The breakout group discussion helped me to get to know the girls in my group better. We also have the time to pray for one another and to show affection and sisterly love to one another. It is a rare find to have friends who could actually accept you for who you are and who would listen to you without judgement. Only the love of God can do that and it exuded among us. I am an only girl among my two guy siblings and so I long for a girl companion. My mom has been my best friend and she still is, but having friends with my same age group is another thing. And I am so glad that the friends whom God gave me are G.A.N.D.A (Gracious and Nice Daughters of Abba Lord). They are my gemstones!
There are a lot of things to love about Brand New Retreat. If I'll go over all of them, that would be too numerous to count. So I just leave you with ten. :)